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What Are the Top Benefits of a Smart Home Network Utilizing MOIP?

A family in their kitchen utilizing various smart devices via a smart home network setup.

Keep Your Smart Home Technologies Running Day In & Day Out

Running and maintaining your whole smart home doesn’t have to be a hassle! With a home network setup utilizing Media over IP (MOIP), you can experience your smart solutions at their top performance at any moment of the day.

So how can a robust smart home network streamline your Sherman, TX, property? Keep reading for more.

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What Can a Smart Home Network Setup Do for You?

Your home network system is the foundation on which your whole smart home runs. Without a strong and consistent connection, you’ll notice the delays in your day adding up. There’s nothing worse than a never-ending loading symbol or video screens that buffer endlessly. And when you’re trying to upload a file for work or enter a video conference call, these inconveniences become even more frustrating!

But a centralized and cohesive home network setup using Media over IP (MOIP) can eliminate these headaches from your day entirely.


So what is MOIP exactly? Media over IP means when media is streamed over an IP network, providing a flexible and cost-effective solution for your home networking needs.

You can easily add new smart devices and technologies to the network without additional cabling or wiring and rely on a dependable and consistent connection. The end result is your video calls and streaming services operating with ease—with zero delays and buffering involved!

Want to learn more about MOIP and how it can transform your home network and smart home experience? Give our team at Avatronix a call or fill out our online contact form to schedule a no-obligation consultation with us. Serving Sherman and all of North Texas, our team looks forward to hearing from you and providing top-tier networking services and solutions!


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